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Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"Words we use every day to describe our experience with New York Wolf Pack:

life changing ⚡️
beyond our wildest expectations
like magic ✨ 
mind blowing 🤯

Our dog Leia 🐾 had a lot of reactivity to people. It was stressing both of us out and hurting our social life. We tried many different trainers but saw no real progress. After careful consideration, we decided to take a chance and ship Leia from Arizona to New York to work with Talia and her team. 

Best 👏 Decision 👏 Ever 👏

Leia was in New York for a month. When she left us, we could not take her to restaurants, could not have friends over to our house, could not walk past people on walks, and could not do any of the things we had planned — hiking, camping, short road trips.

One month later and what a world of difference. (Queue the “It’s a Whole New World” music.) Leia now can go to any restaurant, sit down, and wait comfortably for multiple hours while we dine and chat with friends. She hikes with us. She is able to go off leash and returns to us immediately when we call her. We can have friends over to our house with zero reaction. She is more confident and comfortable — and so are we. 

She is now a joy to have. Our bond has grown immeasurably. If you don’t think your dog can be this good, you’re wrong. NYWP can help you, and probably do a far better job than you’re prepared for. Take the leap and change your life."

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"I can’t express how grateful I am for Talia and Doug. Mick was very reactive. He would bark and lunge at dogs, people, loud noises. He was visibly uncomfortable in almost every situation and had some separation anxiety and general obedience issues. The list was LONG.


Talia and Doug took the time to understand my training goals with Mick, address them individually and teach me methods that last and actually modify his behaviors and give him the confidence he needs to be comfortable. It’s not one size fits all training, they truly know Mick and taught me so much about his personality along the way. It has made our bond even stronger which has been the absolute best part.


He is still the same Mick but the best version of himself. I have had countless friends and family members compliment his progress and I couldn’t be happier."

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"Figuring out the right words to use to encapsulate how wonderful and helpful Talia and Doug are feels tricky, so bear with me here. I, like many of us, used to treat my dog like he was my baby. Sometimes it is hard to not want to impulsively smother him with love. That felt great for me but absolutely and completely disregarded what he actually needed as a non English speaking animal. It sucked realizing that. It also felt really exciting to hope that my dog reactive, anxious, sweet dog could feel a lot more at ease. Dropping him off was hard and I’m sure he had the same separation anxiety I felt. I won’t lie and say that it was necessarily easy to pass my dog off but Talia and Doug handle and operate with so much grace and compassion. They kept me fully informed and connected to how Tuna was doing, what they were teaching him, why it was important and what I needed to do to maintain the training. They sent amazing videos and voice notes throughout the day for the whole 5 weeks he was with them, and by day 2 I felt so safe and secure with what a phenomenal investment and decision this was( day 1 was for me to wallow a little about missing my dog). One thing that feels paramount to share is that throughout the course of the 5 weeks Tuna was with them, it felt incredibly clear that their priority was my dog, his needs, and his safety. In a city where it feels like everyone is a great salesman, it feels so grounding and reassuring to meet people who actually show up and mean what they say. As an owner experiencing this, i will say, it was a bit of a shot to my ego realizing how much of a disservice I was doing for my dog, but every time I shared those feelings, Doug and Talia were respectful, firm, and so supportive. Once I was reunited with my dog, Talia and Doug made it very clear that I should ignore all of my anxieties about being burdensome with questions and to absolutely take full advantage of reaching out.  And they really meant it (i really do text them constantly with questions, and they are always so willing to support). If there is one thing you take from this, please let it be this: if any part of you is on the fence about doing this, I want to encourage you to trust the intuition that lead you here. This is one of the best investments I’ve ever made."

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"Doug & Talia at NYwolfpack have completely changed our lives for the better. From the beginning, they automatically make you feel comfortable with their immediate read on your dog. They are so intuitive, knowledgeable and patient. Dog training requires trust, experience and patience, all of which you’ll get from NYwolfpack. The bond we have with our dog is irreplaceable, and the knowledge you gain can be applied to all your future furry friends. Without Doug & Talia, life would be high stress and unpredictable for all of us. 100/10 recommend! The results blew away our expectations, we feel equipped to be great dog owners for the rest of our lives. "

Rating: Excellent
Would Recommend: Yes

"Talia and Doug are the legit best: both incredible human beings and astounding dog trainers. They truly have a passion for their work-this shines through in the patience they maintain with both dogs under their care and their human owners! 

We had very limited training knowledge when we got our East German GSD Avelina (Lina for short). Our ignorance could have very easily led to a reactive and aggressive dog-the pointers and monthly trainings by Talia and Doug made all the difference. With a breed that's very work driven, well informed trainers are an absolute must and this company is top of the line. We're very much looking forward to boarding Lina with NY Wolfpack for 4 weeks in September to clean up the fundamentals and introduce e collar tr

In regards to the negative reviews....well the stupidity is astounding. How are you supposed to train a PUPPY who has zero cognitive abilities?! It's like expecting a 3 month human newborn to nail classic étiqueté, say please/thank you all while cleaning up after and dressing itself. 

If you are serious about living life with your dog(s) in the most harmonious and mutually respectful way, Talia and Doug are your people. Their personal dog Ava should be all the credentials they require-but there will always be trolls who think puppy training is the one off solution and only criteria to judge against. If you're one of those uneducated, lazy creatures, go to Petsmart or instagram, good riddance.

Update: Lina just finished a 3 week B&T and she is legit perfection. Doug and Talia have the golden touch-so looking forward to our off leash freedom and safe adventuring with the help of the e-collar."

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"New York Workpack did a fantastic job with board+train for our 1 year old dog. Bernie needed training for heel, crate, staying on place/bed, not jumping up to greet people, less barking at the mailman/deliveries, less separation anxiety when we leave and return home, recall so he can be off leash at times, no counter surfing, less reactive on walks (to deer, fox, and sometimes cars), and less reactive to some sounds on TV (dogs barking, horses neighing). Doug and Talia were terrific to work with and Bernie is SO more well-behaved now! They are extremely professional and so knowledgeable! They did a great job training Bernie and teaching us how to continue the training. This will help our life with Bernie to be so much more pleasant! I highly recommend NY Wolfpack, would absolutely use them again if I had another dog that needed training!"

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"Zulu was a typical puppy but since this was our first dog we just didn’t know what to do and how to train so the first few months of having Zulu was horror. But thank god I met Talia. If it wasn’t for Talia and Doug 1) I wouldn’t be the handler I am today 2) We as a family have been enabled to train our dog (and future dogs) and ensure he has the most fulfilling and fun life. We are able to take Zulu literally everywhere because of their guidance/training. We take him to restaurants, hiking, shopping, on every mode of transportation, lose leash walks and even off leash with all the craziness around we can call him back and put him on heel. People come home and just cannot believe what a fantastic dog he is. He might be 75% poodle but he is 100% the goodest boy we have ever seen and this is all because of New York Wolfpack. Even though we moved, tomorrow when we get our second dog we will somehow figure out how to get you guys to train our second dog too. Thank you once again for all the guidance and support you have given me and still continue to give me. You guys are the best!!!"

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"Moose learned so much from Talia and Doug; and we, as owners, have learned even more. Could not recommend them enough!"

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"We can't recommend the services of New York Wolfpack highly enough. During the early days of raising our new puppy, we needed help to manage the stress of the situation and to ensure we were setting a great foundation for our dog. Talia came in and was immediately helpful - she was incredibly knowledgeable, always availed herself, and gave honest feedback on what we were doing right and wrong. We learned so much from her, and much of our dog's now-great behavior is due to her approach to behavioral training.

Almost two years later, thanks to Talia's training and support, our dog is very-well behaved, adjusted to city life, and thriving."

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"I couldn’t be more grateful for NYWOLFPACK! Truly has change Toby for the better. Walks are more enjoyable and he loves being off leash!!! I would recommend this service to everyone!!!"

Rating: Excellent
Would Recommend: Yes

"Talia and Doug literally helped us for an entire year raise a German Shepard puppy. When we first started working with them we had NO IDEA on how to do anything. Our Lil Caesar would not crate train, sleep at night and potty training was a complete nightmare. They also helped us with more then these issues, but also in leash training, off leash training, a SEVERE resource guarding issue, as well as overall obedience. Today we have a great dog truly thanks to this dynamic duo. We are forever clients and also friends! We are forever grateful for all the incredible training and help."

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"We worked with NYWP for ~6 months to shape our basset hound puppy Gus into such a confident and obedient dog. Gus' training was tailored to the goals we had for him as his owners and also his specific breed as a hound.


Because of NYWP, Gus is able to loose leash walk in a heel (despite his stubborn desire to sniff), restaurant/subway trained to sit calmly under our feet, crate trained that he is relaxed/not stressed when left alone, how to be calm in the bath or when trimming his nails at home, scent-detection work, strong recall when off-leash, e-collar trained, properly socialized to other dogs and people and so much more.


We still check in periodically with NYWP as Gus matures and new questions or issues arise, and NYWP has continued to provide us with great guidance and support over 1 year later since we started working together. Because of NYWP, we are very comfortable as Gus owners to bring him most places with us, and also have our friends and family watch him when we travel and know he is going to be well behaved regardless of who is handling him."

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"Before NY Wolfpack, walking our dog was stressful. She was nervous and constantly looking around, she pulled the leash to the point that we needed to hold the leash with both hands the entire walk, and if she saw a squirrel we would face plant into the ground (yes, this happened a few times).


Isla is a great dog -- we got lucky. She's a rescue and is very well mannered, not reactive and has never caused any of us any harm. But for us, she was very tough to train. We were hesitant to send her off to a board and train. Ultimately, we decided to take the leap and enjoy the luxury of having the best trainers in the country train our dog while we traveled.


Fast forward a few weeks and once we saw Isla again she was another dog. Just as sweet, didn't lose her personality at all, instead she became more of herself, more confident and SO obedient. Completely exceeded our expectations. We suddenly had this open channel of communication with her that I'm so grateful for. As soon as we spent time with them in person, we realized just how much Talia and Doug care about each pup. They really treat them as if they were their own and have become Isla's biggest advocate, teaching us so much about her personality, likes/dislikes and ideal routine.


She's back in our house, we make up reasons to take her on walks because of how good she behaves. We are eternally grateful to Talia and Doug for giving us and Isla the best life ever and teaching us how to be better owners for her. We now take her off leash every morning in the park and let her chase squirrels off leash, knowing that the second we put the leash on her, we could balance a coffee on our heads."

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"I can not express the life changing gratitude I have for Talia, Doug, and their team. I adopted Sadie when she was 8 months old after a series of injuries, foster homes, and previous owners. She was always sweet, but really struggled with anxiety and reactivity with other dogs when on leash. One of the most difficult things to manage was her incontinence which we now know was moslty caused by her anxiety. I was not thrilled about sending Sadie away for 3 weeks, but they really made me feel comfortable and constantly sent photos & videos so I knew what was happening. When Sadie came home after three weeks she was the same sweet dog, but was also calm, confident, obedient, and in general happier. I no longer stress about walking her, her incontinence has disappeared, and she's even eating better. Our relationship is so much better and we can focus on play instead of managing her stress. She's been home since January and there has been no regression back to her old behaviors and when I travel Sadie stays with Talia & Doug. I have no worries when I'm out of town and know she is safe. I'm still amazed everyday at how much easier taking care of Sadie is and all of my friends and family are shocked when they come over. Truely amazing! My only regret is that I didn't know about them 3 years earlier."

Rating: Excellent
Would Recommend: Yes

"I think I went as far as I could with my dog without professional training. I had a pretty good read on his body language, but didn't know how to intervene regarding his on-leash reactivity. I'm someone who would love to take my pup Tex everywhere with me if I could, but his reactivity was limiting that. 

After working with Talia and Doug, I went beyond reading my dog's body language to knowing how to stand up for him. They taught me so much about dog socialization which, after 4 different trainers, has been the only thing to ring true for Tex. Tex is no longer reactive on leash. He hangs out with me at coffee shops, turns a blind eye to barking dogs, and relaxes easily at my side. 

As a cattle dog, he requires a lot of stimulation. With the help of the e-collar (which I have rarely had to use), he is perfect off leash and is able to enjoy the freedom of frisbee, soccer, and off-leash roaming several hours a day at the park. I have the most well-behaved and happy dog I know. Doug and Talia took my connection with Tex to the next level. 

It's important to note that even as someone who felt like I had a deep connection with my dog and really felt in tune with him, there is still so much to learn from an outside eye. I would strongly recommend working with them."

Rating: Excellent
Would Recommend: Yes

"My incredible experience with Talia and Doug from NY Wolfpack has forever improved my experience as a dog owner.

I sent my 1.5 year old (very high energy) Boston Terrier to NY Wolfpack for a 4-week B+T program where he learned skills for loose leash walking, boundaries to control his excitement levels (which were previously very difficult for me to control), and recall/e-collar training for off leash adventures.

It's no surprise that raising a well-trained dog in New York City presents significant challenges. Not only is the high-stress environment a factor, but also the proximity to other dogs and their owners who often lack proper boundaries.

NY Wolfpack not only provided Nemo with a solid training foundation but also equipped me with the tools, resources, and confidence to reinforce this training every single day. Most importantly, I've learned how to establish boundaries with other dogs and their owners while advocating for my dog.

If you're looking to develop a more fulfilling and FUN relationship with your dog (and put in the hard work), start advocating for them by providing them with the training and structure they deserve.

Massive thanks to Doug & Talia who continue to provide Nemo and me with incredible support and guidance throughout this journey.  I couldn't be more appreciative of their dedication, hard work, and genuine love for dogs."

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"NYWP was a literal godsend for me. I had tried working with a few different dog trainers before I decided to work with NYWP and I'm so glad that I did. When I adopted Charlie, he was just a 3 month old dalmatian and I had zero experience with training puppies or taking care of an athletic, working dog. Talia and Doug helped me develop the leadership skills I needed to build a strong bond with Charlie. They also provided very clear guidance on how to establish a solid foundation of structure, exercise, communication, and boundaries for Charlie so that he could mature into becoming a confident, calm, well-mannered and happy doggo. After completing about 5 months of puppy training with NYWP, I know that that I've built a lifetime of trust and connection with my sweet and goofy Charlie."

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"We brought our dog to NY Wolf Pack when we moved to NYC from Tennessee. They helped teach our dog how to live comfortably in the city in such close proximity to other dogs and they gave us some great tools to continue the training at home. You can really tell how much they care about each dog they work with. It has made me feel so much more at ease knowing that we have access to such an amazing resource!"

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"New York Wolf Pack is amazing. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with finding me a dog right for my lifestyle and training that dog. Talia has been nothing but supportive and honest with me and has gone out of her way to make sure I find the right dog! I could not thank them enough and I can’t wait to bring home my pup!"

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"Talia and Doug. I know we just got Saint back but I am having such an amazing time with Saint. Love my walks and playtime. This is what I imagined having a dog would be like. Thank you"

Rating: Excellent

Would Recommend: Yes

"My Belgian Malinois GG did a few week board and train to learn some great obedience off-leash and on-leash, conquer some reactivity (human and dog), separation anxiety. At first I was hesitant for letting my baby go for 3 weeks, but Doug and Talia reassured me that everything would be great, GG has returned with a foundation for success like no other. They have conquered everything mentioned above and more. GG has never been so well behaved and relaxed in populated public places. I would most definitely be recommending NYWP to anyone I know/ meet with a dog. Thank you guys!!"

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